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Tweets of the Week, 17th January 2020

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).


Leigh shared this podcast, well worth the listen! Fatima Khan-Shah and Prerana Issar share experience of receiving racist abuse whilst shadowing an ambulance shift. We all have responsibility to call it out.
Bev suggested that we all run the seven minute assembly podcast during our team meetings/huddles to discuss what a good response to such abuse would be.
Finding inspiration in the NHS is easy if you know where to look. Yusuf Yousuf shares his experiences of #OurNHSPeople and the roles we all have to play in supporting people to have a good experience. Listen to his story shared recently at #TEDxNHS.


Dave Morgan shared that he was proud and privileged to be supporting #projectA and #AmbulanceQ on this week; there are a lot of exciting times ahead.
Sasha Johnson similarly shared that it was an amazing morning speaking about what is important to ambulance staff to ensure that patients receive optimum care.  Jonathon Turnbull-Ross shared the sentiment.


Midwifery Ambassadors are continuing their 30 Day Challenges for #JoyfulJanuary by sharing their pride in their profession.
Great graphic shared by Helen which Bev related to #JoyfulJanuary on the 10 rules of Ikigai, a Japanese concept for purpose, happiness and meaning in life.


Next week is the launch of My Daddy Is A Nurse with children at a local Birmingham school having a special reading by Ruth May, Patrick Nyarumbu, Dann Gooding and Peter Allan Towns.

Year of the Nurse and Midwife

This week Zoe Carciente has been curating @NHS ; she shared her passion for supporting colleagues to start blogging after she published her first blog over a year ago.


Join the next #AgeingWell Improvement Community virtual forum on Friday 31st January at 2pm and share your thoughts on the cultural shifts needed to ensure the success of the programme.

Innovation and Improvement

Helen shared an interesting article on how to create a culture of innovation based on evidence.

"Unless we can learn to give open and honest feedback... we will struggle to make sustainable improvements to services". Read Adam Burrell's blog How we use feedback is key .

If we want breakthrough, creative thinking that leads to world-changing ideas, we have to develop presence of mind. The biggest enemy of presence of mind today is the smartphone!
How to enable change at scale, based on the experience of its impact incubator.

Systems Convening 

Would you like to know more about systems convening and the qualities of systems convenors? Click the image below for a thread from a webinar by Etienne and Bev Wenger-Trayner.


Leigh shared a great article on starting small with exercise when living with mental illness.
Dale Carnegie explained the importance of pronouncing someone's name correctly and plays a part in creating an inclusive work place and social/emotional wellbeing. If you don't know how to pronounce someone's name, ask them.
Helen shared a follow up to the tweet above, the importance of teachers saying students' names correctly appeared on Helen's Twitter feed; the same applies to patients.
Proven ways to show you care, people who feel cared about at work are more engaged and effective.More optimistic people tend to have a longer life span, a new study suggests. "Optimism may be an important psychosocial resource in promoting healthy ageing".
We are too busy, overwhelmed and need more time. Helen shared three theories for why we don't have time.


The MIT Sloan Management Review asked its contributing experts to identify the areas where leaders and organisations should focus their efforts creating eight management ideas to embrace in 2020.
Helen is contributing to a day run by the New Local Government Network on 12th March on unleashing community power. It's also a free event! Find out more and sign up here.

And finally...

The latest edition of the Horizons newsletter was published this week. You can get this straight in your inbox by signing up here!