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Tweets of the Week 20th August 2021

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).   


Congratulations to PDSA cycles, What Matters to You, and Appreciative Inquiry who claimed podium places in the #ImprovementMethodOlympics. A huge thank you to everyone who has taken part by voting in the daily polls, for sharing your reasons for voting and for sharing your own improvement resources.

Here is a look back at some tweets from the #ImprovementMethodOlympics:

Thank you to Mary Beth for her reasoning behind voting for PDSA (the eventual winner): 

A brilliant view of the #ImprovementMethodOlympics and the impassioned conversations that it has started, from Kerry.

We loved seeing that the #ImprovementMethodOlympics generated learning opportunities, as Gemma described:

Steve shared his perspective of how taking part in opinion polls like this can help extend your knowledge:

Of course, the key benefit is improvement to patient care as Carl articulated:

As does Karen in this post about the impact of asking What Matters to You? 

Thank you to the team at Darent Valley Hospital who compiled a thread with their favourite moments.

Thank you to Karen's daughter for this Lego animation:


Leigh and colleagues attended a sketchnoting workshop last week, click on the picture below to read the thread with Tanmay's slides.

Do you enjoy sketchnoting? Have you enjoyed the #ImprovementMethodOlympics? Create a sketchnote of your favourite improvement method and share it with @tnvora.

Five factors that drive job satisfaction in this sketch note by Tanmay Vora, read more here. 


tweets of the week